Insight Scouter

Digital Match, our Consumer Insight Data Intelligence platform, allows you to download hundreds of consumer and market deep insights in just a few clicks, reducing research costs by up to 70%.


Multiple insights in one place

Access hundreds of ready-to-use deep insights about Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X and Baby Boomers.

Some examples:

  • Consumer personas - tracked on the basis of purchasing power, digital familiarity and lifestyles
  • Consumer Journey of your products / services and those of the competition
  • Lifestyles
  • Consumer habits
  • Use of media and social networks
  • Use of enabling technologies (smartphones, PCs, voice assistants, tablets, etc.)
  • Online tribes of your sector (with influencers, storytelling and communication dynamics)

With DigitalMatch Insight Scouter different corporate departments receive information from the same source. Strategic decisions are then made on the basis of statistically relevant data:

People Insights
Digital Marketing
Communications and Advertising
Retail Management
Customer Care
Tag Cloud Intribe

Discover the People Insight Data Intelligence